Category Archives: Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers New 17 Weeks Starts Today!!

We will be starting a new Weight Watchers 17 week program at PLF South. Weight Watchers is a great program to help you reach and maintain your weight loss goals!

Weight Watcher Meetings Held every Tuesday 6.30pm at Premiere Lady Fitness South. The first meeting will be held Tues 5/25/10 at 6:30pm. Please arrive promptly to register. The 17 week program costs $186.00 and it can be paid in 3 payments of $62.00 by check, May 25th, June 25th and July 25th 2010. If you pay by credit card then it has to be paid in full on 5/25/10.

It includes e-tools and we have the flexibility of being able to attend any other weight watchers meetings all over the world.

However, this is an exclusive in-house program to Premiere Lady and no other Weight Watchers member can attend our clubs meetings. If you are already a member elsewhere then you would have to cancel your existing membership and register with us to attend our meetings.

New members can join our weight watchers group at any time and will pay a pro rated portion of the fee. The program can be renewed if you haven’t reached your goal by the end of the 17 week course. When you have reached your goal weight you will get a lifetime membership and can still continue to attend the meetings without cost.

Please call Debbie at PLF to register (512) 707-7700

A Strong Makeup

A Strong Makeup

   Disappointments happen every day, and yet some of us don’t even take the time to acknowledge them.  Weaving throughout our lives, always unwanted, disappointments have worn us down but have always left behind a strong fiber that was necessary in our growth process.

   I have always been amazed at people who take on professions where they are guaranteed many disappointments before they might possibly succeed: actors, comedians, politicians, writers.  A person dealing with ongoing rejection or ridicule has to have a strong makeup.

   Most of our disappointments occur without the whole world watching, and yet even privately we try to fight back the tears or act as if we didn’t want what passed us by anyway.

   Life has taught me that even though we might be let down over a particular outcome, it normally is for the best.  And yet when someone says that to us, we get annoyed at him or her, especially in our hour of wallowing.  Do you ever stop to think, “If this hadn’t happened, then I never would have been in this other place to take on ____________?”

   Many of us wouldn’t have attended the colleges we did, do the work we do, be married to our spouses, if fate hadn’t thrown an earlier disappointment at us.

   As we age, we begin to acknowledge that we are not immune to disappointment; putting those times in perspective, we’ll be able to move to a better frame of mind more quickly.  Isn’t having hindsight a great and mature skill?

   We all deserve the best of everything.  Unfortunately some of us get discouraged we take refuge in our beds with the covers over our heads, giving up totally on a particular dream.  This not only is an unhealthy way of dealing with things; it also enables someone else to grab our brass ring if we are no longer present in the game.

   Let’s take each disappointment that comes our way as feedback; learn from each experience and then revamp as necessary; not get discouraged, but keep in mind others who faced disappointments in life – Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, and so on (they didn’t pull the blanket over their heads!);

   Remain open to all possibilities.

   This is what makes life exciting!

Adapted from ‘Shot in the Arm’, by Sharon Lee Riguzzi

Weight Watchers at Premiere Lady

Weight Watchers will be coming to Premiere Lady Fitness!! We are so excited to be offering this wonderful program to Members and Non-Members!

There will be  free Information/Registration Meetings at both North and South locations.

Meeting Times:

North Club: Wednesday, January 6th at 1:30pm

South Club: Tuesday January 12th at 7:00pm and Wednesday January 13th at 12:30pm.